Hey everyone! My name is Hilary King, I’m 18 years old, from Houston, Texas, and I’m super excited about the FYM trip! (Nervous too of course) ๐
Let’s see…what can I tell you about myself? I’ve played the flute/piccolo in band for almost 7 years now, I’ve swam for as long as I can remember, I’ve been in Taekwon-do for about 8 years, I love cats (and pretty much any animal, even though I’m allergic to most of them), I’m addicted to myspace, I can burp really loud…I know, what a talent to have! ๐
But on a more serious note…I’ve grown up in a Christian home, I’ve gone to church every Sunday for most of my life…the usual. My parents just recently got divorced, so the past few years have been really tough on my family and myself. I fell away from God at first when things were really bad but He’s definitely used the hard stuff to help me grow closer to Him.
I’ve been to Mexico for mission trips during the summers of 2003 and 2004, Peru in 2005, and I went on an Ambassador trip with AIM last summer to England and Ireland–it was the most amazing month of my entire life. It’s so cool to see everything that God was doing, and something I’ve been realizing lately is that while I grew soooo much closer to God while I was there, I think most of the growing I’ve done spiritually has happened since I’ve gotten back, even up until now, which I find awesome!! It’s so cool to see how God can use anything and everything to help you to grow if you let him.
Anyway, I’m really excited to meet my team…I’m scared about the future, but God’s showing me how to trust in Him and live each day at a time with Him helping me through…and that my future is in his hands. ๐
I love each and every one of y’all!! ๐