
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I love it here. It is beautiful–even though it rains a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the cold weather…the culture…everything! The past few days have been a blur-our team has had a lot of sessions about the ministry we’ll be doing, about community living, and we had our second scavanger hunt today where we had to find things around the city. I got stung by a bee…so that wasn’t much fun. I don’t really know why I threw that random fact in there…but I just thought that someone might enjoy reading that. Haha…anyway…the first day was the WORST, according to my legs. My knees hurt, my calves hurt, my ankles hurt, my feet hurt…when they told us we’d be walking everywhere, they really did mean it. I knew I was out of shape, but MAN! It’s intense. I love it though–our team is getting closer to each other as well as the leaders, our house is AWESOME…and our first ministry outreach is in a few hours–it’s called the Eden Bus, which is a double decker red bus (sound familiar, ambassador team??) that parks outside the Nazarene church close by and has games for kids to play, and…I’m not exactly sure what else. But we’ll be building relationships with the kids here which I think my whole team is looking forward to!

Sorry so short, but this is really all the time I have for now–I have a ton of other stuff to get done! Thank you all for your prayers, keep ’em comin! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you guys!!

Cheerio!! ๐Ÿ™‚